Is Financial Planning Worth It?
So many people ask themselves the same question and as a company that offers financial planning we will obviously be biased as we would love to help you plan your future financial self but is it actually worth getting a financial planning company in to help?
Well there are a lot of variables to the answer to this question and in some cases no it may not be worth getting a financial planner in. As an example if you have been handed a small inheritance of 5k or under it probably isn’t worth speaking to anyone if you have no other assets as you will need to build on that for a future meet with a financial planning expert.
There have also been many instances in the media that show that quite a small percentage of unscrupulous individuals have set up financial planning companies to simply scam people out of their hard earned cash and nothing more. This is why it is so important to do your research and ensure that anyone you speak with is vetted, verified and professional.
With the right financial planning in place you could have a much better financial path way ahead of you. Retirement, pensions, investments, long term care, protection, mortgages and so much more make up the overall service and if you have an expert on board you may find yourself making your money work harder than you could have ever imagined.
Yes there are risks and yes there are times when your money may well be at a loss rather than a gain but do you understand the markets, the jargon, the resources, how it all works, and where you need to put your money to get a good return? These things take years of learning, understanding and getting to know before you may gain. With the right financial planner on board who knows what could happen?
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.