Investment Planning What Is It & How Does It Affect You?
Investment Planning What Is It & How Does It Affect You?
Have you ever heard the term ‘Investment Planning’?
Most people may well already have a financial adviser in place and have their investments already well managed but many people don’t and wouldn’t know the first place to start. In fact, many people don’t even look at their finances just continue to use a savings account that they are led to believe is the best way to store their money.
Investment planning all starts with something called Financial Planning or making sure your money is working for you. When goals, objectives and aspirations have been set an investment planning process can begin, this is where we will look at what resources you have that can be allocated to achieving set aspirations.
There are literally thousands* of different investments that can be used when putting a good financial plan together, the most common types of investments will be cash, bonds, equities, and property.
During the ‘let’s get to know one another’ stage of Financial Planning we will discuss your current attitude to risk, timescales etc so an appropriate mix of investments can be blended together to create your own bespoke portfolio aligned to your goals. These may sound like jargon that is associated with the financial industry but here at Corcillium Wealth Management we will help you strip away the technical side so that you understand what your investment plan is doing and how it is working to your financial aspirations regularly.
Once your investments have been set up to work for you it is crucial to stay on track and review these at least once a year, some people will prefer to do this themselves however it is recommended that you and your IFA re-meet each year for an annual review to make sure the investments are still fit for purpose, they are still aligned to your own plans, goals and aspirations, additionally if your circumstances have changed so can the plan.
If you’d like to understand more about investment planning or would like to discuss how your investments are perfoming why not get in touch today on 01483 654135 or email